In home drapery cleaning service without removing or shrinkage-guaranteed

When it comes to cleaning draperies you have a few choices. You could try to remove the draperies and clean them yourself. Or, have them removed and taken to a dry cleaner and wait a few weeks for them to be returned and rehung. But, the third option could be the solution to your cleaning needs.

Cleaning drapery at home by yourself

Take option one. You get up on a ladder, remove the draperies and then what? There are hooks or fasteners that have to be removed in order to clean the material. How will you clean them? Soap and water in a bathtub or sink? Probably your first thought but what if they shrink or discolor because the material is not colorfast or made to be soaked in soapy water.

Here’s a clue - most draperies will not like to be washed in water. The material will wrinkle and the possibility of shrinkage is high. Plus, how would you dry them and iron out the wrinkles before rehanging them?

Drapery dry cleaners near you

Second, calling a dry cleaner to do the job. Sometimes you have to remove the draperies and bring them into the cleaners for servicing. Again, you need to remove them from the rod, remove the fasteners and then wait a week or two, or more for the cleaner to finish the job. At which point you will have to pick up the draperies, reinstall the hooks or fasteners, get up on the ladder and rehand them.

Opps, they don’t look quite the same as before. They may be clean, but, they may also have shrunk in the process. Multiple panels may not be the same length as before. Now what?

You may also be able to find a cleaning service that will remove the draperies, take them in for cleaning and return and rehang them for you. Again, a matter of weeks may be required; all the time you windows are bare or covered with temporary paper “drapes” or newspaper.

Not a very pretty sight.

Clean drapes without taking them down

Third option. Call OnSite Drapery Care. We send our technicians to your home, they give you a firm estimate for the job. Depending upon the time of day and number of draperies to be cleaned, after your acceptance of our estimate, cleaning can begin the same day.

No removal of the draperies. Our method uses environmentally friendly solutions that will leave your window treatments clean, fresh looking and best of all no shrinkage-guaranteed. The rooms will be ready for use within hours not weeks.

Your draperies are a big investment. Doesn’t hiring a professional make sense? Do-it-yourself may be alright for some things but cleaning and hanging draperies is something best left to the experts.

OnSite Drapery Care says it all. No hassle cleaning and servicing of draperies, valances, roller shades, cellular shades and more. Certified for cleaning Hunter-Douglas products.

The cost is a fraction of the price to replace damaged treatments. Don’t take chances. Have the peace of mind knowing that the job will be done right the first time.

OnSite Drapery Care serving all of Chicago, the suburbs, Northwest Indiana, Long Beach, Michiana, New Buffalo and vicinity.


Nobis debitis rationibus ea duo. Usu at dicunt incorrupte, est no malorum epicurei apeirian. Movet eirmod efficiendi eum ei. Sit in libris denique salutandi, cu usu fastidii partiendo, purto fuisset in quo. Natum essent duo et, ex vim epicurei intellegam consequuntur, sea meis omnis omnesque ad. Ne suavitate evertitur consectetuer vel, fierent delectus et eos. Ex vis clita audiam, ea pri iriure salutandi. Errem intellegam ea nec, ad solet noster appareat vel, nibh primis intellegat vim ei. Id qui dico delectus suavitate, ei movet recusabo disputando sed. Ut antiopam ullamcorper sed, eum mutat nihil ex, sea unum errem et.
Melbourne, Australia
Nobis debitis rationibus ea duo. Usu at dicunt incorrupte, est no malorum epicurei apeirian. Movet eirmod efficiendi eum ei. Sit in libris denique salutandi, cu usu fastidii partiendo, purto fuisset in quo. Natum essent duo et, ex vim epicurei intellegam consequuntur, sea meis omnis omnesque ad. Ne suavitate evertitur consectetuer vel, fierent delectus et eos. Ex vis clita audiam, ea pri iriure salutandi. Errem intellegam ea nec, ad solet noster appareat vel, nibh primis intellegat vim ei. Id qui dico delectus suavitate, ei movet recusabo disputando sed. Ut antiopam ullamcorper sed, eum mutat nihil ex, sea unum errem et.
New York, USA